
“Spooky” Halloween Punch Recipes

Everyone enjoys a good party with family and friends when there is tasty food involved as well as some delectable drinks to be had. Halloween is a time a year when people can let loose by dressing up in a silly outfit or a frightening one, so why not let them get in the mood with some of these Halloween-inspired beverages.

Italian Fruit Punch

For those of your friends who like to drink, a great choice is the Italian Fruit Punch, which is a fast and easy drink to prepare for awaiting guests. The combination of Limoncello, Maraschino liqueur, orange juice, sparkling water, and ice will have your guests living it up in no time.


* 2 cups orange juice
* 2 cups sparkling water
* ½ cup of Maraschino liqueur
* ½ cup Limoncello
* Ice
* Black licorice sticks for garnish

Combine all ingredients in a pitcher with ice and stir. Place in a martini glass and garnish with a black licorice for a vibrant and festive Halloween drink.

Pomegranate Mojito with Vanilla Sugar

Need something for those Mojito fans at your party? Well take a look at this recipe which will satisfy any blood-hungry guest.


* ¼ cup pomegranate juice
* 2 ounces of white rum
* 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar (see below)
* 4 ounces of club soda
* Cracked Ice
* 6 Sprigs of fresh mint

In a cocktail shaker, combine all the ingredients minus the mint and shake. Mull the mint in the bottom of a cocktail glass, then strain the pomegranate mixture into the glass with the mint and serve.

Making the vanilla sugar is simple; with a large airtight container handy, cut vanilla beans in half lengthwise and then crosswise. Take 2 cups of sugar and place on the bottom of the container, then add the vanilla bean quarters and finally add another 2 cups of sugar onto the vanilla beans and close tightly. It is important to keep the sugar in a cool, dark area and to shake twice daily to distribute the vanilla essence. The vanilla bean and sugar mixture is good for up to 3 weeks. Remember to replace the sugar as it is used.

Vampire Blood Drink

Not everyone at your party will be drinking alcohol. You need some drinks for the adults who do not drink and for the children. Vampire Blood Drink is very easy to make and will have the kids begging for more.


* 1 gallon cranberry juice
* 1 gallon orange juice
* 1 cup of raspberry sorbet
* 1 quart of seltzer
* Ice

With a big punch bowl handy, add cranberry juice, orange juice, seltzer, and softened raspberry sorbet. Mix well so that the sorbet disappears into the mixture.

This drink is a green “ghoulade” and it steps away from the traditional red beverages.


* 2 (6-ounce) cans limeade, frozen concentrate, thawed
* 3 cups lemon-lime soda
* 3 1/2 cups green sports drink (either Gatorade or PowerAde)
* Green food coloring
* Ice
* Whipped cream, for topping
* Candy sticks or sipping straw
In a pitcher combine the limeade, soda, and sports drink, then add green food coloring to desired green color and stir. Add ice and then pour into glasses for a fun green not red Halloween drink. Lastly fill a piping bag with whipped cream and top each glass and then add a straw or a candy stick.

To liven up the party with some props, fill service gloves with colored water and tie the ends in a knot and freeze for 12 to 24 hours. When frozen, cut the gloves off the ice and place in the bowl for a ghoulish fun prop.

No matter who is at your party, one or all of these drinks will have your guests anxious to be on the party list for next year. Enjoy Halloween safely and happily.   

1 comment:

  1. Nice.. i would love to try your Pomegranate Mojito with Vanilla Sugar, I love mojitos and this is new to me.. thanx for the recipe..

    by the way I'm your new follower from MBC, I hope I get a follow back, thanx..=)


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